Giving up hope on Nigeria is by far one of the easiest thing to do, the decay in almost ALL sectors of the Nigerian system is living evidence to that fact. The evidence of these decay are not hidden but rather are what make the headlines of the dailies and the news every other day…well on a brighter side, they at least generate content for the various news media, if it’s not boko haram (Western education is Sin) today then it’s a Governor dressed as woman trying to escape the law or it’s another oil rig being blown off or it’s a Speaker who thinks the mace will be good a fitting for his house…the list truly is endless.
Nevertheless, my question remains, is the system wrong or not viable in itself? Does the system not hold in itself the capacity to deliver vibrant economic prosperity and civil justice? On closer inspection however, I realize that the system has not failed us but we have failed the system, we have rendered it useless as we have not chosen to do what is right. This goes for people on all levels, leaders and followers alike.
I write this here to remind us that THE SYSTEM CAN WORK! We just need to choose to do the right thing and probably make some changes to the system. Using OAU SUG as a case study, we cannot “fully” boast of having a 100% free and fair elections even though ours is still one of the most transparent amongst all Nigeria’s tertiary institution. Over the years, we have experienced varying degrees of excellently conducted elections and this has usually been as a result of partisan influence on the system.
Well, at a defining time like this, I believe it is time that we great Ife students make up our minds to ensure that the electoral process goes on smoothly and 100% free and fair. We will be proving a point that if the electoral process can work in OAU, then it can work in Nigeria. Yes, I’m aware that in terms of population, OAU is a microcosm of the entire national population but OAU is undisputedly a training ground of many future leaders who we believe will deliver Nigeria and lead her into all round prosperity and economic vibrancy. I am saying that we must demand and advocate for a fool proof electoral system free of partisan and any ideological influence. We must ensure that the system is not defeated, we must once again not fail the system.
Now, we use this medium to ask you the reader to suggest what reforms you think should be implemented that will further make the upcoming OAU SUG elections a truly infallible one. Your opinion(s) will be documented and forwarded to the parliament and together, we will see that the reforms are implemented.
God bless Nigeria, God bless OAU!