Well, after spending a semester on campus, how fresh are the freshmen? Recently, a controversy has arisen on whether freshmen (Part 1 or direct entry Students) should be allowed to vote at the SUG polls.
The camp that thinks freshmen should be allowed to vote has the following as its major argument: freshmen are always at the fore front of protests that protect the common interests of the entire student populace; therefore it is only fair that they are allowed to choose who gets to call the shots.
The other camp believes that freshmen as political tools (seeing that they are quite gullible as they are new to the system), and that giving them a right to vote will only result in ‘unpopular’ results.
The question however remains, and the answer is uncertain. Will the tides turn around this year? What will parliament resolve on that issue?
You have a chance to share your views on the matter. Please register your thoughts via the comment line below, and/or vote using the opinion poll on the left hand side of this post.
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